Thursday, September 27, 2012

Protecting Child Actor's Rights Too You Know

Only a mere few days ago Governor Jerry Brown finally decided to pass bill AB 1660, a law that protects young actors in the film industry.  After shocking stories about people sexually harassing children, it was decided that more precautions had to be taken towards protecting these kids.  Before, background checks were only performed on agents, studio teachers, publicists, managers, and photographers, but now it will be required for almost everyone to be checked for any past criminal records.  
This is important for the safety of our children, just because they are in this industry doesn't mean they're offered protection by everyone. When I saw this, I was immediately interested because I didn't figure there wasn't a law already protecting children actors' rights.  It is important to know who can be potential harm when you're working with them, and it's nice to see Governor Brown really try to make an effort to change this.
This article really impacts me as a filmmaker and a student.  I wasn't oblivious to it, but I didn't really figure that children actors were sexually harassed.  It only makes me want to be more careful with who I work with in the future, and who has a good reputation compared to those who don't.  As a student, it honestly frightens me to start working in something that might be threatening to me.  I can't guarantee that it would, but just the thought of it can change anyone's mind really.
I really want to know how people thought this would be okay.  Did it never cross anybody's mind that everyone should be conducted with a background search when working with children? Anyone can seem trustworthy, and the nicest person, but you can't trust everything people say.  I want to know how people didn't notice what was going on, how could you not be aware of this at first?  I want to be sure that children's safety is locked in the future industry, now.,0,6739576.story

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Gozilla Returns?!

According to reporters of, news has spread of the new Godzilla 3D franchise that is to begin in May of 2014.  The franchise will be made with Toho, who has the original rights to the film, and released worldwide by Warner Bros., except in Japan where Toho will release it.  An amazing production and crew has already been established, including people who've worked on great films such as The Dark Knight and The Expendables.  Fans of this franchise, can only be anticipating what the new century has to bring to Godzilla.

  The main reason that this caught my eye was for the pure reason that I loved Godzilla as a child.  I've seen all the movies there is to see, I had all the toys there was to buy.  The fact that there is a new franchise coming out can either be a huge success or it can be disappointing to die-hard fans.  

As a consumer, of course I'm going to want to go see this movie.  I want to see what they may change, and if it will succeeded it's older movies or not.  As a filmmaker, it gives me hope that any film can come back, whether it's a classic or foreign film, or anything.  It makes me really consider that if I really wanted to I could bring something like Godzilla back too, but I'm not saying I will.

Will the new makers of the Godzilla 3D franchise improve from the past legacies of Godzilla?  I hope they can really stick to the story, and hopefully include characters that were well known and loved. 

Click here for more

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

ParaNorman: Zombies Are People Too

The San Francisco Chronicles gave ParaNorman an outstanding review.  ParaNorman is about a boy, Norman, who can see and communicate with ghosts and zombies.  He is warned that a zombiepocalypse is to come.  It's up to him to save the town, with the help of his friends he runs back and forth to the graveyard.  Although, The San Francisco Chronicles did compare Coraline to ParaNorman, stating that it won't be as great as Coraline

 ParaNorman is an eerie kind of movie, something that I could imagine Tim burton making.  I really like this style of movies, and I also do like to watch stop-motion animations. Although, I haven't seen this film yet, I've been wanting to since it came out.  This article caught my eye for the sole reason of me wanting to see the film.  I might as well read a review about it, so I'm not disappointed.

This article impacts me as a consumer, so that I can read what is said about the film.  This is a generally good review towards ParaNorman, which only can make me want to see the film even more.

I can only wonder, what are they going to think of next? Generally, if a kid was able to see and speak with the dead, people would be a little freaked out, but add in animations, a good moral, and a tad bit of humor and it can be the perfect family film.  What does the business have to behold? Will they ever run out of ideas?