This mainly caught my attention because any person who is active in movie going would be affected by pricing in movie theaters. I used to go to the movies a lot, but now I don't go as much for one simple fact. I can't afford it. Seeing that price reduction is there is actually a relief, but it still just doesn't feel right.
This has an impact on other consumers, and myself, as a consumer. The last time I went to the Arc Light Theaters, and spent almost $30 on tickets alone. I mean I know the place is nice, but it's the only theater close to my house and I think movie goers should have a bit of leeway. This can also impact me as a filmmaker in the future.
The only question I can ask if what would happen if these prices continue to decline? Or would some realization like this cause prices to higher even further? I think people within the industry need to really consider the customer as well.
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